Dear Clients of Tammy Wolf, RMT
It is with sadness and excitement that I share with you that I will no longer be working as a RMT at In Balance Massage Therapy effective Friday, December 13th 2024 as I am moving out of the province.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for allowing me to pursue a career as a RMT these last few years. I would also like to thank all of my coworkers for making our time together so memorable. All of your patient files will remain at In Balance Massage Therapy and I encourage you to seek future treatments from the other RMTs at this clinic.
​While I am sad to go, I'm excited to see what the future holds
Online Booking: InBalanceMassageTherapy.janeapp.com​
Clinic: 905-646-IBMT (4268)
Email the clinic: Contact.IBMT@gmail.com