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Current Protocols as of May 2023

Current situation and guidance from the CMTO:

  • While mandatory masking has ended, some of our RMTs are still wearing masks. Patients/clients may choose not to wear a mask. Please ask your RMT to wear a mask if you would prefer they do.

  • RMTs and clients may want to continue masking, based on risk assessment (discussed below).

  • The Ministry of Health has guidance on personal protective equipment (PPE) for health care workers and health care entities.

Risk assessments continue to be an essential part of providing safe and effective Massage Therapy care.

When conducting a risk assessment, RMTs should consider if:

  1. The client is supposed to be self-isolating at the time of an appointment;

  2. The client is experiencing any symptoms related to COVID-19 at the time of the appointment;

  3. The client is at a higher-risk of negative outcomes from COVID-19;

  4. Risks can be controlled through infection prevention and control (IPAC) measures and PPE; and/or

  5. Deferring in-person treatment might result in negative consequences for the client.



Before Your Appointment at In Balance Massage Therapy:

  • If you are experiencing symptoms of being unwell, cough, cold/flu symptoms or have come in contact with someone you believe to be infected with an illness, please call your therapist directly to reschedule your appointment. 

  • We have a  required 24 hour cancellation policy to reschedule or cancel your appointment without a charge/fee added.


When you arrive

  • When you arrive at our clinic, the clinic door will be open during the day and remain locked between evening appointments, please do not knock.

  • Additional parking is available along the  left side of our building, angle park and pull up close to our building.

  • Upon arrival, we have hand sanitizer and masks if you prefer.

  • Please try to use the restroom before you arrive.  In the wet weather we may also ask you to put on boot/shoe covers for your footwear before walking through the clinic into your treatment room

  • If you have a guardian or care giver with you, tell us in advance. We have a small waiting area. 

  • Upon arrival, you will  be asked if you are feeling well / healthy. 


Behind the scenes

  • We always change linens and blankets between clients 

  • We clean and disinfect high touch surfaces and the washroom throughout the day.

  • We disinfect the treatment room and all of its equipment between every client. This includes but is not limited to the massage table, stool, covered pillows, oil bottle and face cradle. Any face cradle cover is changed after each patient. Please avoid touching random things (for example, the walls) in your RMTs room if possible.



If you have any questions regarding anything please don't hesitate to contact your therapist directly,

or call the clinic at 905 646 4268 (please leave a message, as we do not have a receptionist)



Our clinic would like to stress the importance

of everyone's health and safety



Local Public Health Niagara: 905-688-3762

Telehealth: 1-866-797-0000



Public Health Ontario

Ministry of Health Ontario COVID-19 page

Public Health Canada



Massage Therapy in Niagara

In Balance Massage Therapy

27 Secord Drive

St Catharines, ON

L2N 1K9


905 646 4268 (IBMT)


Additional angle parking along side of building

Clinic Hours:

Mon - Tues, Fri: 8:30am - 6:30pm

Wed - Thurs: 8:30am - 8:30pm​​

Saturday: By Appointment only

Sundays: Closed


This is a general inquiry form for the clinic, responses are from the clinic owners. If you wish to book an appointment please visit or call us at 905 646 4268

Thanks for contacting our clinic, we will respond shortly.

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